Reach your full potential with a revolutionary approach that works on all fronts: the musculoskeletal, digestive, hormonal, nutritional and neurological systems.

Kinesiology & Private Coaching

What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the science of human movement that uses the latest
scientific data to optimize functional capacity
and improve lifestyle habits.

Kinesiologists* are health professionals and physical activity specialists
dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Rehabilitation - Posture - Fitness - Performance improvement

What happens in a kinesiology appointment?

  • Nous débutons avec une rencontre de 30 minutes ( par téléphone ou vidéoconférence ) afin d’analyser vos besoins.
  • You will receive a form to fill out before the first meeting.
  • During this first meeting of 90 minutes, we evaluate your physical condition.
  • We will prepare a customized workout program tailored to your goals and schedule a private session for a 1-hour demonstration of the program.

Why should you consider consulting a kinesiologist?

  • Pour améliorer : santé, posture, mobilité et performances sportives.
  • Improve your health, posture, mobility and sports performance.
  • Reach a fitness goal.
  • Get in shape.
  • Reduce your chronic pain.

Learn more

*Learn more:  At Kinexcellence, all of our kinesiologists are university graduates who are specialists in chronic pain, posturology, mobility and athletic performance.


They work in a multidisciplinary manner with other experts and health professionals, using the principles of biomechanics, motor control training, anatomy and physiology to improve not only health but functional capacity and optimize physical and psychological performance.


Fédération des Kinésiologues du Québec

Chronic Pain Rehabilitation

The results are undeniable!

Naturotherapy is an innovative and integrative approach, using various and highly effective techniques. 

We believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, with only a few exceptions. Neurotherapists use a variety of techniques such as :

  • Feet, eyes and inner ear stimulation.
  • Nervous system stimulation.
  • No-mobilization hand techniques.
  • Specific exercises based on your condition.


We focus on rebalancing several body systems simultaneously:

Hormonal - Nervous - Digestive - Physical - Biochemical

What happens in a neurotherapy appointment ?

  • Nous débutons avec une rencontre de 30 minutes ( par téléphone ou vidéoconférence ) afin d’analyser vos besoins.
  • You will receive a form to fill out before the first meeting.
  • During this first one-hour meeting, we perform mobility, strength, balance and proprioception tests and the therapist performs a reactivation of the body.
  • No joint mobilization or medical diagnosis are done at this time.

Why should you consider consulting a neurotherapist?

  • Relieve chronic pain and physical issues.
  • Enhance sport performances and improve your mental health.
  • Reduce stress and increase energy levels.

Advanced Nutrition / Supplementation

We are constantly being fed mixed information about diet and supplementation.

70% of the results come from nutrition.

Therefore, it is crucial to follow a nutritional plan, as every little detail counts. 

There are as many diets as there are individuals. Each nutritional plan must be adapted according to your goals, lifestyle, training, work, schedule and sleep cycle.

The Naturopathic Supplementation!

Naturopathy is a holistic medicine that considers all aspects of a person in order to work on the source or cause of the problem.

Naturopathy has an influence on the following aspects:

Physical Chemical – Emotional – Organic 

What happens in a naturopathy appointment ?

((No interpretation or diagnosis will be made by our specialists).

  • Nous débutons avec une rencontre de 30 minutes ( par téléphone ou vidéoconférence ) afin d’analyser vos besoins.
  • You will receive a form to fill out before the first meeting.
  • During this first meeting of 90 minutes, we evaluate your physical condition.
  • We will prepare a customized workout program tailored to your goals and schedule a private session for a 1-hour demonstration of the program.

Why should you consider consulting a kinesiologist?

There's no wrong answer !

You can consult for preventive purposes, for your well-being, to optimize your performance, gain more energy, recover better, etc.


Ça fait longtemps que tu cherches le professionnel pour t’aider à éliminer tes douleurs et t’amener à un autre niveau?

The Kinexcellence 360 Multidisciplinary Experience BENEFITS

The results are undeniable!

Injuries and pain are exhausting for everyone. One incident or trauma can leave you disabled or on sick leave! 


How to prevent them?


With the help of our skilled professionals, injuries can easily be avoided. By providing a solid base that can absorb a wide range of strains, the risk of injury is drastically reduced.

The key to preventing injuries is to take care of your posture and mobility. This study published in theInternational Journal of Sports Medicine has shown that poor posture accurately forecasts sports injuries.


Une posture optimale améliorera votre niveau d’énergie à chaque fois que vous vous levez et bougez tout au long de la journée.


In addition, ensuring the efficiency of nutrient absorption via quality food and supplements results in increased energy.

This study published in the journal"Chiropractic and Osteopathy", a observé que les patients présentant une jambe plus courte que l’autre utilisaient plus d’énergie et d’oxygène lorsqu’ils marchaient.


Having an optimal posture is an asset for athletes who want to outperform their opponents and give their best performance.


This study published in theEuropean Scientific Journal   demonstrated how body position affects forearm grip strength, an essential component of athletic performance. 

  • Charles Poliquin, world-class strength and conditioning coach.


There is good stress and bad stress. It’s natural. Stress is a survival defence mechanism. We produce a hormone called cortisol which helps us to feel better about ourselves and to be in a better mood.


If this essential function is out of balance, it will affect your health.


Posture control will be beneficial in reducing the body’s response to harmful stress.

This study from"Health Psychology"showed that subjects who exhibited good upright and sitting posture immediately noticed the health benefits.


Recovery after a workout is as important as the workout itself. If not done correctly, your body will pile on stress and fatiguefatigue, leading to overtraining, which will lead to unwanted symptoms - from muscle soreness to excessive inflammation and injuries.


We have already helped numerous high-level athletes by using our unique method to: qui permet de:

  • Train harder
  • Recover quickly